Words such as delicious, scrumptious, yummy, tasty, mouthwatering, delectable, enticing, succulent and delightful come up when you see what we have to offer at the Lebanon stand. Need we say more?
Just visit the Bazar 2023, from 24 to 26 November and find out for yourself!
#eventoftheyear #shoppingforacause #foodporn #foodie #shawarma #charity #charityevent
Since 1987, Lebanon has been taking part in the Bazar International to help the underprivileged.
Our stand has grown over the years, enabling us to show you several aspects of our country:
- local crafts: tablecloths, dresses, jewelry, as well as a variety of everyday objects
- Lebanese cuisine: houmos, kebbé, vine leaves and many other savoury dishes
- Lebanese wine
- a stand dedicated to meat or chicken sandwiches (shawarmas), as well as vegetarian sandwiches (falafels).
You'll also find the inevitable Lebanese pastries, which you can enjoy with a good cup of Lebanese coffee.
Once again, our volunteers look forward to seeing you there!
Depuis 1987, le Liban participe au Bazar International pour venir en aide aux plus démunis.
Notre stand s’est agrandi au fil du temps, ce qui nous permet de vous faire découvrir plusieurs aspects de notre pays:
- l’artisanat local: nappes, robes, bijoux, ainsi que divers objets du quotidien
- la cuisine libanaise: houmos, kebbé, feuilles de vigne, et bien d’autres mets salés
- le vin libanais
- un stand dédié aux sandwiches de viande ou de poulet (shawarmas), ainsi qu’aux sandwiches végétariens (falafels)
Vous y trouverez également les incontournables pâtisseries libanaises que vous pourrez déguster accompagnées d’un bon café libanais.
Cette année encore, nos bénévoles vous attendent nombreux !